Redmine 4.1.1 Options Section is Visible on Reload

After upgrade to Redmine 4.1.1 I see the Options section (for example on Issue page) is always visible. There is a small bug and it is easy to fix it:

Patch file app/views/queries/_query_form.html.erb:

--- _query_form.html.erb        2020-12-03 00:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ _query_form.html.erb        2020-12-03 00:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
   <% if @query.available_columns.any? %>
     <fieldset id="options" class="collapsible collapsed">
       <legend onclick="toggleFieldset(this);" class="icon icon-collapsed"><%= l(:label_options) %></legend>
-        <div class="hidden">
+        <div class="hidden" style="display: none;">
           <% if @query.available_display_types.size > 1 %>
             <span class="field"><label for='display_type'><%= l(:label_display_type) %></label></span>

in-memory key-value lightweight database

For my little project I need lightweight in-memory database. My first idea was to use Redis (I have some experience with it) but it requires some library to control it. I need something more lightweight. I think using linux named pipes is elegant way how communicate with a database. Here is the full source of my lightweight in-memory database:

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ESP3D wiring

ESP3D is firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 to add wireless control your 3D printer. For me is important print progress and temperatures but you can upload files on SD card and start printing, move motors and send custom commands.

You can get ESP3D here I use it with ESP12 and here is my wiring:

Of course ESP part are two pin headers. GPIO0 and GPIO2 are high but for programming I can switch them.

UART Download Mode010
Flash Startup110
SD-Card Boot001
Boot modes